Konferenz von Evian 1938 (Teil 6)

Konferenz von Evian
Trügerische Idylle: Kurort Evian (Schweiz)

Die Palestine Post berichtet wie sich die Konferenz in Evian dem Ende nähert.

Es wird dabei spekuliert, ob die Abschlußerklärung einen Passus enthalten wird, der die Regierung Hitlers dazu verpflichten soll die Emmigration von ausreisewilligen politischen Flüchtlingen zu bezahlen.

Die Post hat diese realitätsfremde Vorstellung, die in Evian offenbar ventiliert wurde, tatsächlich völlig ironiefrei wiedergegeben:

Palestine Post



EVIAN, Monday (R). After a short session today, the International Refugees Conference at Evian adjourned until Friday afternoon.

The delegates will in the meantime discuss among themselves the resolution to be adonted at the final session.

The main decisions will probably be the establishment of a Permanent Committee to continue the work and possibly also an approach to the German Government to finance those political refugees who wish to leave Germany.

The Palestine Post has received its first air-mail despatch from its staff correspondent at Evian.

Writing on July 6, he reported that neither the Near Eastern Arab countries nor the countries of Eastern and Central Europe from which the Jews are compelled to emigrate are represented at the Refugees Conference which opened that day in the presence of representatives of 32 nations.

Italy, likewise, is not represented, having politely but firmly declined an invitation to attend.

Platform Not Parliament

In his opening address, the chairman, Senator Henri Berenger of France, outlined the task of the Conference, which, he said, was not a Parliament but rather a platform for voicing the views and policies of 32 nations with regard to the refugee problem.

It was his sincere hope that the United States, who had taken the responsibility for convening the Conference, would be able to suggest practical measures to deal with that problem.


M. Berenger also extended greetings to the Secretary-General of the League, M. Avenol, the High Commissioner for the Refugees, Sir Neil Malcolm, and the Chairman of the International Labour Office, who were all present at the opening.

Die Probleme der Juden in Nazi-Deutschland und Österreich wurden von den Teilnehmern der Evian Konferenz durchaus gesehen, und von den internationalen Medien benannt. Mehr nicht.

— Schlesinger

Hervorhebungen nicht im Original

Photos: Evian: Wikimedia; gemeinfrei / public domain

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