Ägypten öffnet Gaza-Grenzübergang Raffah


  • Egypt temporarily re-opens its Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip, allowing hundreds of Palestinians to move in and out.
  • Wasserknappheit in der Westbank
    For Israelis and Palestinians the control of water is almost as important as the control of land.

    This year, much lower than average rainfall has led to drought conditions.

    In Israel it is only just beginning to have an impact, but just a few miles away in the occupied West Bank, the crisis is much more acute for the Palestinians living there.

  • Teheran lässt weiteren Minderjährigen erhängen
    Ein des Mordes Beschuldigter und zur Tatzeit Fünfzehnjähriger wurde in Iran hingerichtet:
    Behnam Zare was the second Iranian in a week to be put to death for a crime he committed when he was (15) and the sixth such execution in 2008.
    Human rights groups say neither Zare’s family nor his lawyer were notified prior to the execution.

— Bigdaddy

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