Offenbar will das Regime Präsident Ahmadinedschads härter gegen die nicht nachlassende Opposition vorgehen, wie die New York Times unter Berufung auf AP berichtet:
But there were signs on Wednesday that the authorities [Behörden] were preparing to deepen a crackdown [Niederschlagung, Unterdrückung] on the way news about the protest is being spread.
Restriktionen für die Presse
On Tuesday, the government revoked press credentials for foreign journalists and ordered journalists not to report from the streets.
Drohungen gegen Webhoster und Blogger
And on Wednesday, The Associated Press reported, the powerful Revolutionary Guards went further, threatening restrictions on the digital online media that many Iranians use to communicate among themselves and to send news of their protests overseas.
In a first statement since last Friday’s vote, the Revolutionary Guards said Iranian Web site operators and bloggers must remove content deemed to “create tension” or face legal action, the A.P. said. Despite that warning, new amateur video surfaced outside of Iran on Wednesday, apparently showing a government militia rampaging through a dormitory area of Tehran University late Tuesday or early on Wednesday.
Selbst die staatliche iranische Station berichtet von Hunderttausenden, die auf den Straßen demonstrieren würden:
The reports come as hundreds of thousands of Moussavi voters have participated in civil rallies in Tehran and other cities over the past four days to protest at the election’s result.
Drohung mit Todesstrafe für Spione
Die Regierung Ahmadinedschads will sich offenbar damit behelfen, den Massenprotest damit einzuschüchtern, sie seien über ihre Führer vom Westen gelenkt. Für diejenigen aber drohe die Todesstrafe:
Meanwhile, the prosecutor general of the central province of Isfahan warned that those behind post-election unrest could face the death penalty under Islamic law. Mohammadreza Habibi alleged that anti-government protesters were being controlled from outside Iran and urged them to stop what he described as “criminal activities”, the Fars news agency reported.
Daran sieht man: Demokratische Regierungen der Art Ahmadinedschads müssen zu bisweilen drakonischen Maßnahmen greifen, um der massenhaften Oppostion im Innern, die der Präsident kühl lächelnd “Hooligans” nannte, Herr zu werden.
— Schlesinger