Die jüdischen Siedlungen sind illegal nach internationalem Recht, machte UN Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon in seiner Pressekonferenz vom 16.03.2010 einmal mehr klar:
Ban Ki Moon: As the [Midlle East] Quartet said in its statement last week, we are deeply concerned over developments on the ground, and we condemned the Government of Israel’s plan for 1,600 new housing units in Jerusalem.
As I have said before, I say again, directly and without equivocation: settlements are illegal under international law.
With regard to today’s clashes in Jerusalem, a city holy to three religions: let me remind everyone that the status of Jerusalem is a subject of final negotiation. I call for restraint and calm by all.
As you know, I leave for the meeting of the Quartet in Moscow this evening, and I will work with our partners and the two sides to find a way to resume talks for a just resolution of this conflict. I will also have separate bilateral talks with the Russian leadership.
I am also gravely concerned about the situation in Gaza.
The Israeli policy of closure destroys hope — hope of a better life for all people, hope for recovery from the destruction and pain of the recent war.
Die seit 2006 bestehende Blockade des Gazastreifens entkräftet Moderate, bestärkt Radikale
As policy [die Blockade des Gaza-Streifens, Anm.] it is counterproductive. It undercuts moderates and empowers extremists. It destroys legitimate commerce and encourages smuggling. It blocks the road to a peaceful future for both sides in this conflict.
When I visit Israel and the Occupied Territories immediately after the Quartet meeting, I will go to Gaza so that I can assess the situation for myself, first-hand. It is time for a change of direction.”
Question: How deep is the crisis now in the Middle East and what will you try to achieve one year later during your next trip to Israel and Gaza?
Ban Ki Moon: We have been frustrated enough.
We have seen all these ups and downs in political negotiation and security and safety and the humanitarian situations in Gaza and the West Bank and elsewhere. There have been encouraging developments of the situations in the Middle East in general, as we have witnessed last year and recently. However, overall the situation has not made much progress. That is exactly why the Quartet has decided to meet in Moscow this week, and we will discuss, on all the matters, how the Quartet and the international community as a whole can contribute, first of all, to the resumption of negotiations.
The proximity talks [die indirekten Gespräche zwischen Israel und der palästinensischen Autonmiebehörde, Anm.], which have been facilitated by the United States, should eventually be led to a direct negotiation between Israelis and Palestinian authorities.
The recent announcement by the Israeli Government, the 1,600 settlements, has cast very negative atmosphere. This is not desirable. I condemned, in my capacity as Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Quartet, as a group, also condemned this. And you have seen all these condemnations from the international community. These issues will be the top priority issues which I will discuss with Israeli leadership when I visit. And I’d like to see for myself what kind of impact we can bring, I can bring, to improve the humanitarian conditions in Gaza.
Ban bekräftigte seien Position während seines Zwischenstopps in Moskau, wo er mit Vertreter des Nahost-Quartetts zusammen traf, indem er ein “Einfrieren” des Siedlungsbaus forderte. “Ich gehe davon aus, dass Israel diese Erklärung hören und richtig verstehen wird”, sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow.
Die “sehr negative Atmosphäre” wird auch in Jerusalem registriert, zumal die Front der ablehnenden Stimmen gegenüber zweifelhaften Schritten Jerusalems nicht immer so geschlossen ist wie in diesen Tagen.
Daher bietet Premier Netanjahu ein paar Zugeständnisse: Einige Hundert Fatah-Häftlinge sollen entlassen und Baumaterial für UN-Aufbauarbeiten soll in den Gaza-Streifen gelassen werden.
Gleichzeitig zeigte sich Netanjahu unverändert robust in seiner bisherigen Haltung und lehnte es auf der aktuellen Kabinettsitzung ab, den Beschluss über die 1600 neuen Siedlungen zurück zu nehmen.
Mehr noch: Man habe den Amerikanern gegenüber klargestellt, dass Hausbau in (Ost-) Jerusalem dasselbe sei wie Hausbau in Tel Aviv.*
Die Machtprobe zwischen Jerusalem und Washington geht weiter. Solange sie nicht gelöst ist, wird es nicht vorangehen in den israelisch-palästinensischen Gesprächen.
— Schlesinger
(Photos: screenshots ZDF Heute)
* “Construction in Jerusalem is like construction in Tel Aviv and we have clarified that for the American government.”