Peace Now Demonstrationsaufruf: Nein zu Siedlungen

Raus aus den besetzten Gebieten - Israel zuliebe!

Am kommenden Wochenende finden in Israel landesweite Proteste gegen die Besatzung der Westbank statt. Die Proteste werden organisiert von PEACE NOW und weiteren liberalen Gruppierungen:


Join us at Zion Square in Jerusalem with Israeli flags in hand on Saturday May 15, 2010 at 20:00hrs

Peace Now has formed a coalition of left wing groups that support peace, democracy an believe in the real Zionism.

This coalition does not hate the settlers, but holds a deep seated disagreement with them. They believe in the land of the Bible from the Jordan River to the sea, a “Land of Settlers”.

Their dream is Israel’s nightmare – it will be the end of our Jewish and democratic state, we know that in order for our small country to survive we need to compromise on its borders and now!

Thus in the face of the most right wing government that Israel has seen in past years, who supports the settlers – together we are standing up and shouting –

NO to the Settlers – YES to a future for Israel and the real Zionist dream!

Ja zu Israel - Nein zu Siedlungen

Die Gegner der Demonstration machen sich umgehend bemerkbar. Sie reissen die Poster, auf denen die Demonstration angekündigt wird, herunter oder verschmieren sie. Gelebte Demokratie:

— Schlesinger

Alle Bilder: Peace Now; das untere Bild von Peace Now auf Facebook

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